Breaking News
September 19, 2012

Info Post

If you really want to get your hair shine fresh, healthy, you should take into account the intake of nutrients entering. This means not being too obsessed with external treatment, but carefully from the start through nutritious food.

According to a dietitian Dawn Jackson Blatner Chicago, RD, hair grows 1/4 inch to 1/2 each month. To grow normally, the base material around the new hair, skin and nails are the nutrients we eat.
• If you eat healthy foods, the body's cells become stronger and healthier, both inside and outside, ¨ says Blatner.

Hair Experts also say that if you are born with fine hair but normal, never have thick hair, even if you're trying to eat anything. However, with a balanced diet that contains plenty of protein and stimulate growth and iron, probably the difference you get.

The experts also recommended that consumers tend to be cautious in using supplements sold in the market to thicken or grow hair.

¨ Even if you can find a good addition to many shops, always try to get the nutrients you need from natural foods always winning, ¨ says Paradi Mirmarani, MD, a dermatologist in California allejo quoted WebMD.

Here are 10 foods that are nutritious and can serve as a solid foundation for the health of your hair:

1. Salmon
is a type of food is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which is also a source of high quality protein, but also contains iron and vitamin B12. Omega-3 essential fatty acids necessary to strengthen the scalp. This deficiency causes dry scalp and hair fall out easily.

2. Dark green vegetables
Spinach, broccoli and Swiss chard is an important source of vitamins A and C. Membutuhknny your body to produce sebum, an oil produced folikl type of hair that is also a natural conditioner for your hair.

3. Nuts
Eating beans, peas or lentils is important for hair health. Not only provide plentiful protein to promote hair growth, but also rich in iron, zinc and biotin. To get the real benefits, American dieticians recommend three or more cups of lentils each week.

4. Peanuts
Peanuts Brazil is one of the best natural sources of selenium, a mineral essential for healthy hair skin. Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, omega 3 fatty acids can improve the condition of the hair. Foods like nuts, cashews, pecans and also an important source of zinc.

5. Poultry
Chicken and turkey proved to have high-quality protein that can make your hair becomes healthier. Poultry meat also contain high levels bioavailabiltas besidengn, which means that the body easily absorbs the benefits.

6. Eggs
Eggs are one of the best protein sources you can find. Eggs also contain biotin and vitamin B12 are very important as a nutritional beauty.

7. High fiber wheat
Familiarize yourself with healthy eating wheat products like bread or cereal because these foods contain many sseng, iron and vitamin B.

8. Oysters
Oysters reputsinya perhaps best known as an aphrodisiac, but is also known to be useful for healthy hair. The importance of zinc minerals are substances that act as powerful antioxidants.

9. Low-fat dairy products.
Dairy products like low-fat milk or yogurt kim is an important source of calcium, a mineral that is useful for hair. These foods also contain casein and whey, two proteins of high quality.

10. Carrots
These vegetables are rich in vitamin A, which can help improve scalp health with vision. Since the health of the scalp is an important factor for shiny hair, you'll want to always add carrots in your diet or as a supplement in a salad bowl.