Breaking News
January 8, 2012

Info Post
For the first time in 83 years, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) United States update the definition of rape. In this definition, men and people who are physically unable to resist the attack, in the category of rape victims.

With this new definition, the possibility of a number of victims of rape were recorded by the FBI will increase due to the addition of a category of victims. However, it will not change state law or state law, and statistics that have been used for the allocation of rape prevention or victim assistance.

Reported by the BBC, Sunday, January 8, 2012, before the FBI defines rape as a physical control by force against a woman, in spite of himself. In the new definition, words that refer to women only, eventually eliminated.

Now, the definition of rape according to the FBI was "out of the slightest penetration of the victim against the will of the genitals or anus using body parts or other objects'. In addition, sexual activity that occurs outside the will of the victim, were also included in the definition of rape.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said, the update definition is a victory for the victims denied that his suffering as long as 80 years. "We can not solve this problem except to widen the definition of rape," said Biden, who has brought this issue since July 2011 at a cabinet meeting.

Several U.S. states have adapted the broader definition of this before the FBI to do an update. The same is done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

This year, the Congress of the U.S. Government allocated U.S. $ 592 million (Rp 5, 3 trillion) for the issue of violence against women. According to recent CDC study, one in five women and one of 71 men in the U.S. had been raped.