Breaking News
January 8, 2012

Info Post
The trial against 16 alleged members of Al Qaeda began to be held in the Special Criminal Court in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Saturday, January 7, 2012. The suspects were accused of killing a police officer with poison, planning the assassination of leaders of Saudi Arabia, and one of them accused of making religious fatwa against the local authorities.

Quoted from page to Reuters, Sunday, January 8, 2012, the group is also accused of financing "terrorism" in other countries, smuggling arms, held a training and sending militants to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The trial of the 14 Saudi Arabian nationals, one Pakistani and one Afghan citizen held in the Special Criminal Court in Riyadh, which was set up to handle the trial of suspected militants and are only open to selected local media.

Saudi Arabia faces militant uprising in the year 2003-2006. At that time, members of Al Qaeda attacks on foreign workers' housing complex and the Saudi Arabian government facilities. As a result, dozens of people were killed in the attack.

The attack was successfully stopped after the authorities arrested thousands of suspected militants and launched a propaganda through the media to discredit the ideology of militant with the backing of influential clerics and tribal leaders.

Last year, Saudi Arabia's Interior Ministry said nearly 5,700 people have been arrested and 5,000 of them have been prosecuted. However, human rights groups in Saudi Arabia said more than 12,000 people in prison, including prisoners demanding political reforms.