Breaking News
September 22, 2012

Info Post

Caffeine is contained in many beverages are often consumed two people in the morning is coffee and tea. This compound is known for its ability to make literacy and fresh eyes to prevent back pain and heart disease.

But it turns out that caffeine is still behind the incredible mystery in it. So no wonder that caffeine read 7 facts you may not know

1. Caffeine helps performance during exercise

Caffeine can help promote strength and endurance during athletic sports so that people who consume caffeine can exercise longer and harder.

Because caffeine has a direct metabolic effect to the muscles to increase muscle endurance. In the language of biology, caffeine helps muscles burn fat to be used as an additional energy source in addition to glycogen (carbohydrate).

To determine the 'dose' of caffeine effective, try to change your weight into the size of a pound, for two and multiply by three. So if you weigh 200 pounds then the 'dose' of caffeine right for you is 100 x 3 = 300 milligrams.

2. Caffeine increases focus and alertness

Caffeine can increase focus and concentration. Even caffeine is said to be a 'natural stimulant or stimulant' for the brain.

Although the intake of caffeine in the medium can improve your concentration and alertness but caffeine will make you a more intelligent and do not affect the learning process of a person.

3. The less caffeine consumed, the better performance

The best way to get the optimal effect of caffeine is to limit their consumption to about 300 milligrams per day.

Eat only once a day, especially at times when you need a high vigilance and to obtain the maximum effect of the compound. For most people, the time in question is in the morning.

Too much caffeine also suspected to cause negative health effects with symptoms such as simple anxiety, insomnia, problems with the digestive system, muscle twitching and heart palpitations.

4. Caffeine did not make addiction

There is no proof if caffeine causes physical dependence, no matter the source (be it coffee, tea or cola). Maybe you could be addicted to some certain foods containing caffeine but not possible with the caffeine itself.

Even if the negative effects appear after drinking coffee then there is the transient headache that usually lasts for several days.

In order to avoid headaches caused by caffeine ", try to limit their consumption gradually. It could also drank decaffeinated coffee or eat one cup of caffeinated coffee and one cup of decaffeinated coffee in turn.

Even caffeine is usually recommended as a treatment for headache sufferers. It is said that caffeine gives effect to the 'relaxation' of blood vessels in the brain.

5. Caffeine in coffee three times more than tea or cola

Many say the least caffeine content in some beverages depending on the duration of roasting coffee. The longer roasting, coffee bean black and the lower the caffeine content, although it feels more powerful.

Different types of tea also contains caffeine with different amounts also vary. It's when brewed, the tea will lose a lot of its caffeine content. Kola is usually more standardized, except for some specific brands.

Rule is in every cup of coffee (medium) should contain a maximum of 150 milligrams of caffeine, while tea 50 milligrams and a 12 ounce cola contains 50-60 milligrams of caffeine. Be careful with the portions because usually people like to drink three casually. A clear limitation of daily consumption of various sources of caffeine is 300 milligrams per day.

6. Sensitive to caffeine that 'disease' derivative

Before it can be consumed, caffeine should be solved in the body but it depends on how long caffeine can survive in the body to be digested and excreted (via urine). The problem is, this kind of metabolism is also influenced by genetic factors in the family.

That is, if your parents exposed to strong effect of caffeine when only a small amount as a half cup then maybe you also have a similar response.

7. Most caffeine can be lethal

Although such cases are very rare, too much caffeine can have an impact on cardiovascular health and cause death.

Because caffeine can interfere with the nervous system, heart rate and blood pressure, especially if you are vulnerable to the effects of which will also be great. However, this condition is usually caused by the use of caffeine pills and caffeinated energy drinks high.


John C said...

Is that true that coffe can make sperm quality more good ?