Breaking News
April 10, 2012

Info Post

Hypertension is derived from two root words. Hyper means High and Tension means Pressure. Hypertension simply means high blood pressure which is the force generated when the heart contracts and pump blood through the blood vessels that conduct the blood to various parts of the body.

Hypertension can be called the silent killer because it does not give symptoms or warning before it strikes. Hypertension is not just one disease or diagnosis, look at hypertension as a sign of poor picture of overall health. Severe blood pressure can increase the risk of heart diseases. Blood pressure is one of the vital signs we measure as a gauge to your overall health. A sign like elevated blood pressure is not the disease; it points to the disease of inflammation going on in the body. There are a number of problems with blood pressure reducing medications however. They do not cure the cause of high blood pressure but merely lower it while the drugs remain in your system. This means that people usually have to take medications everyday for the rest of their lives in order to keep their blood pressure at an acceptable level.
Natural hypertension remedies may include:
Proper dieting
Stress management
The problem with hypertension medications other than the cost is a range of undesirable side effects such as a persistent dry cough, headache, pounding heartbeat, nausea, weight gain, reduced libido, depression, insomnia, shortness of breath, sinus congestion. The list goes on.
Treatment of hypertension varies according to the stage of the condition. Hypertension can be controlled with treatment, which may require periodic adjustment. The treatment is often associated with losing weight and increased physical exercise regularly, but a doctor should be consulted even in cases of pre-hypertension. Hypertension is a very serious condition and should be taken seriously by both the patient and the doctor.
Causes of Hypertension
An increased tension in the blood vessel walls.
An increased blood volume caused by elevated levels of salt and lipids in the blood holding back water.
Hardened and inelastic blood vessels caused by arteriosclerosis.
Symptoms of hypertension
Common symptoms of hypertension are:
Giddiness, Dizziness and a Feeling of Instability
Insomnia (inability to sleep well)
Digestive problems and Constipation
There are a lot of people who have been looking into how to reduce blood pressure naturally without the use of medications. Fortunately, there are indeed ways to reduce high blood pressure naturally through diet and exercise. Knowing the cause of high blood pressure is equally important, as hypertension is a factor in heart attacks and heart disease. In case you or your loved one is suffering from this condition consult a doctor immediately to drop your blood pressure and improve your life quality. The most common causes for Hypertension are an unhealthy diet and poor lifestyle; modifications in these two and your chances to suffer from this condition decreases a lot.