Breaking News
January 10, 2012

Info Post
Paleontologists from Australia, Birger Rasmussen found tranquillityite, minerals that are considered identical and unique from the moon. This mineral is found in a rock billions of years old in Western Australia.

When the Apollo astronauts return to Earth in 1969, they brought three different kinds of minerals, namely armalcolite, pyroxferroite, and tranquillityite. Both first mineral found on earth, but the latter is a mineral that was originally thought to only exist on the moon.

In a paper, Rasmussen find minerals 'unique' home this month at six sites, and he expected the findings of these minerals will be more widespread.

Quoted from, Rasmussen said, "It's basically a unique kind of last minerals that have been found in lunar 70s of samples returned from Apollo missions." He added, since the Apollo astronauts brought, this mineral is exclusively found in the meteorite samples.

Findings in six Australian sites, he said, proved that this mineral since the first 'always' be a part of the earth. "It also means that we basically have the same chemical phenomena, on the moon and the earth."