Breaking News
January 9, 2012

Info Post
United States still has a big role at the global level. However, the U.S. is not the time anymore to dictate to other countries such as in the past.

Assessment was made by former U.S. Defense Secretary, William Cohen, in a discussion at the ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, Monday, January 9, 2012. He also estimates that this year the U.S. may not carry a big foreign policy when its politicians prepare for elections and the government budget was limited.

"It's not a day longer for the U.S. to dictate to other countries related to foreign policy. However, we can give advice and input to other countries as well become a democratic country and good for prosperity based on the experience we have," said Cohen.

U.S. defense minister 1997-2001 period, Cohen pointed out that his government was, like other international community, make a guess as to what changes occur in a number of Arab countries are experiencing tremendous upheaval last year, popularly known as the Arab Spring.

"We do not know what developments are happening at that time in Egypt, Tunisia, and Syria. The change is happening there so quickly and unexpectedly. There is no intervention of U.S. and foreign parties of the change," said Cohen, who now serves as a corporate chief executive of The Cohen Group.

Cohen also see that unlike the past, U.S. interests in the Middle East and also in Europe will be reduced. Instead the U.S. focus will shift to Asia Pacific. However, the relationship was non-confrontational and not be dictated.

"We consider Asia, especially ASEAN, as equal partners. Good economic development and stability in this region make our relationship more closely," said Cohen.