Shrimp was low in
calories and saturated fat but high enough kolesterolnya content. Based on the
study, although high enough but currently kolesterolnya shrimp consumed
indirectly increase overall cholesterol levels. Well if you are afraid of
kolesterolnya, baked or steamed shrimp dish and enjoy a variety of benefits for
your health. Here are 10 benefits consume shrimp:
1. Prevent
cancer every 85 grams of steamed shrimp get enough 48 percent of total daily
selenium body. Selenium deficiency has been associated with various types of
cancer, including prostate cancer. Researchers at the Institute of Food
Research (IFR) reveals that the combination of selenium sulforaphanedan will
boost immunity cancer by 13-fold. Foods rich in suforaphane among others are broccoli,
cabbage, and other vegetables intersection results. In addition to preventing
cancer, selenium is also able to increase the body's resistance to disease and
2. Caring for
skin health, hair, and nails Shampo and the most expensive leather perlembab
not even be useful for your hair and skin without adequate protein intake.
Protein is contained in every part of the network of living cells and shrimp is
an extremely rich in minerals such. Rate was low enough calories so it is very
suitable with the diet that you run.
3. Shrimp prevent pregnancy anemia 21 percent of
vitamin B12, which is a nutritional support production of red blood cells so
they can help prevent anemia. Vitamin B12 also helps manufacture of DNA, the
genetic material found in each cell. This will make the metabolism of proteins,
carbohydrates, and fat in the body's cells take place properly.
4. Increasing energy exhaustion and feel faint? The
lack of symptoms is an indication of the rate of iron in the body. Shrimp
besinya very rich nutrient content. By consuming shrimp, then intake of iron,
which is an important nutrient in the formation energy will be met. Energy that
will be obtained will not be excessive because it contains no calories high.
5. Animals strengthen bones belonging to the class
Crustacea has a phosphorus content in the body. Calcium and phosphorus are two
nutrients that will work together to form strong bones and teeth. In the shrimp
consumed, should be eaten with the skin because the skin contains shrimp
'glucosamine' beneficial to assist in the formation of cartilage in bone
joints. Thinning or damage to the cartilage will cause great pain in the
joints, commonly known as calcification.
6. Helps to process fats Niacin (vitamin B3)
contained in the shrimp can help to process fats, carbohydrates, and proteins
into energy for the body. Niacin also works to keep skin health and prevent
skin scaly.
7. Reduce the risk of depression Just like fish,
shrimp also contain essential fatty acids, omega-3. Studies have shown that
omega-3 can provide strong protection against depression and can help improve
their mood for the middle suffer disorder. In addition, omega-3 can increase
mental alertness.
8. Improved the health of the prostate duct Intake
zinc or zinc which are needed by the body relatively few, ie 10-15 mg per day.
By eating the shrimp, the nutrients the body needs are met. And, with the
fulfillment of zinc in our body, the prostate cancer cell growth will be
9. Taking care of Shrimp health of the thyroid gland
may contribute to health of the thyroid gland with copper content owned. A
healthy thyroid can increase the activity of cells and regulate metabolism in
the body well.
10. Stabilize blood sugar levels favors seafood is
also a good source of magnesium.
Recent studies indicate that magnesium can help
prevent the development of diabetes type two. nah many shrimp right to health
benefits, when we fear the cholesterol then grilled or steamed can reduce the
cholesterol in shrimp.
In the next post i will post abou how to make swamp into a delicious food ^^
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